Hololive MtG Proxies

Commanders | Partner Commanders | Cycles | Misc. Proxies
Tokens | Smol Tokens | Stock Image Tokens

Aside from the examples below, all cards/proxies/tokens/whatever on this site are fan made. They were made using the Magic Set Editor program, with some tinkering to slightly customize the card frames.

All art is stuff I found online, used without asking. Artists are credited at the bottom of cards.


All the proxies on this site are of existing Magic: the Gathering cards, with new art and sometimes new names applied. There’s a few ways to work them into casual games, but you can't use them in tournament games.

Proxies with new names use the system Magic uses for some crossover reprints. For all rules, gameplay, and deck-building purposes, cards with two names only count as the bottom name. The top name is just thematic.

(These two real cards are the same card: Lightning Bolt.)


Some Magic cards create new game objects out of thin air, called tokens. Tokens are not shuffled into decks, but kept off to the side until they’re needed.

(A real card that creates tokens, and an official print of that token.)

While most tokens have official prints, they aren’t required. Players are allowed to use nearly anything to represent tokens, including custom printouts. Custom tokens can be used in both casual and tournament games. Many of the custom tokens on this site use a modified M20-style frame that removes the name bar to allow more of the art to show.

Other Game Terms

If you're a non-player looking at this site and you're interested in what the hell all these other game terms and symbols mean, I've got a page of simplified explanations and example cards here.